Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe, Smog in Lahore, lahore air quality today, smog effects, types of smog, causes of smog, smog level in lahore today, lahore pollution ranking, air quality index lahore today, worst air pollution in the world
Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe

What is Smog:
For those who don't know what smog is, Smog is an air pollution that reduces a person's ability to see. The "smog" is the combination of two words Smoke and Fog

Smoke + Fog = Smog

This word was first heard at the beginning of the 20th century. Before this, the word smog was published in "Los Angeles times" in 1893. The United States and many other countries set laws to reduce smog. Some laws prohibit dangerous and untimely smoke emissions in factories.

How Smog is Formed:
Smog is formed when industrial emissions from power plants, smoke produced by factories, cars, bikes, etc react with heat and sunlight in the atmosphere.

Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe, Smog in Lahore, lahore air quality today, smog effects, types of smog, causes of smog, smog level in lahore today, lahore pollution ranking, air quality index lahore today, worst air pollution in the world
Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe

Smog In Lahore:
According to statistics, Lahore, Pakistan has been declared as the most polluted city in air pollution. The smoke created by burning of crops in Indian Punjab has surrounded Lahore. However, the equipment of "Department of Environment" is reporting that all is well.
Air Quality:
The air quality index recorded in some big cities are the following:
  • Lahore recorded 454
  • Gujranwala 403
  • Faisalabad 228
  • Karachi 162
  • Sialkot 158
  • Islamabad 154
  • Muridke 546 

Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe, Smog in Lahore, lahore air quality today, smog effects, types of smog, causes of smog, smog level in lahore today, lahore pollution ranking, air quality index lahore today, worst air pollution in the world
Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe

Due to such bad air quality in Lahore, CM Usman Buzdar announced closure of public and private schools on Thursday.

Effects of Smog: 
Following are the effects of smog on human health and the diseases caused by it:
  • Coughing, irritation in Eyes, Nose, Chest
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Lung cancer
  • Heart diseases/Heart attacks
  • Asthma attacks
  • Smog affects the growth of plants and can lead to damage to crops, trees, and vegetation.

As smog reduces the person's ability to see, so it can result in road accidents.
Four groups of people are particularly more effected by ozone and other air pollutants in smog. They are Children, Adults who are active outdoors, People with respiratory problems/diseases

How to stay safe:
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Wash your eyes frequently, especially when you feel any irritation in your eyes
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a mask especially bikers must use glasses and mask.
  • Spend more time at home. Do not leave your home without any need/reason.
  • Do not wear damp cloths
  • Avoid being outdoors near heavy traffic
  • How smog can be reduced?
  • Using electric appliances instead of gas appliances
  • Drive less, Walk more
  • Everyone should take care of his vehicle, vehicle's tuning is important. change car/bike oil periodically
Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe, Smog in Lahore, lahore air quality today, smog effects, types of smog, causes of smog, smog level in lahore today, lahore pollution ranking, air quality index lahore today, worst air pollution in the world
Smog in Lahore, Lahore's Bad Air Quality: Causes, Effects, How to stay safe

How smog can be reduced?
  • Using electric appliances instead of gas appliances
  • drive less, walk more
  • Everyone should take care of his vehicle, vehicle's tuning is important. change car/bike oil periodically
  • Plant more trees